Saturday, March 26

We have been spring maintenancing.

Every bit of exposed wood has been sandpapered and varnished. It looks great and took about three weeks in all. We employed one guy to help us and between us we managed to get around the house, up into the eaves and onto the railings. Jeff ,Terminus and Roach erected the scaffolding  and managed to get it as high as the eaves, where we never thought possible, even the guttering got a clean. It was hard work but worth it and we hope that we can sit back and relax for a while…bring on the lazy days by the pool!

                                                        Jeff high up in the eaves.                    

During this period Jeff has also been the point of contact for a joint services boat. This has meant numerous trips to the chandlery, victualling runs, beer stock- ups but best of all a chance to meet up with lots of young folk and a few old friends who are having a go at sailing. The changeover of crews happened every fortnight for the past four months and at the end of each leg we got invited to the crew meal. We had a lot of fun.

The dogs are both well. Obi has chalked up several new neuroses. He doesn’t like the new wall trellis, he can’t walk under scaffolding and he doesn’t like to walk on the reflections of the sun shining through windows. He became a virtual prisoner on the balconies but is now getting past these scary obstacles with encouragement and love. The house painting period was a real trial and he is pleased that the place is back to normal.

We have had no visitors since New Year, which has given us time to catch up on the back log of jobs. We have made time for partying on the balconies, late night swims and Chateau Mygo band nights listening to the talents of visiting yachtsmen and residents. One guy, just completed building, is a demon blues harmonica player. He is a lawyer by trade but plays in a band at weekends in the States.

The three amigos!

Romantic moments...

The weather has been great, just enough rain to keep the garden going but bring on the blooms and blossom. At the moment we have a small amount of blossom on the avocado, lime, tangerine, pomegranate, guava, mango and star fruit. All bodes well for a fruity summer. These trees are all immature so it won’t be a bumper crop but augers well for the future.

  Baby pineapples

                                                               Pomegranate blossom

Another task for Jeff this month has been road building.

The roads around us belong to the residents, so  the government doesn't maintain them. Every now and again money is collected to repair the worst of the pot holes. This was a much larger project than previous ones so it was decided that Mr Brown would build it and Jeff and Henning would be project managers, whilst Norman collected the money. It went very well and the entrance from The Discovery Hotel up to Mama Sheilas hill is now as good as any you'll find in St Lucia.

Busy, Busy !!

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