Saturday, July 3

                                June has been quiet!

We have kept our promise of leading a more sedate pace of life for the past few weeks. Visits to the local bars have been kept to the minimum and a healthy eating regime is in place.

These red pagoda flowers are two foot high!

We have watched videos, rugby, cricket and tennis in the evenings as well as watching satellite images of tropical waves, making sure that they don’t head our way. We need to get a bit more practice with the Wii sports before we can challenge the visiting yotties , who are here for the hurricane season. They also have the system on their boat and as the competition has already been mooted, we’re guessing that there will be some serious practicing going on.

Our beautiful red bananas.

We sailed up to Martinique, in a weather window, to pick up our newly serviced life raft. The weather men spoke with forked tongue and our overnight stay and return journey was dreadful. Torrential rain, thunder, lightning, big seas, swell etc. and oh, on the way back Jeff did a routine check of the engine only to find a bilge full of oil. It then became a long passage as we ghosted into Marigot 7 hours later. This week’s tasks are to fix the engine leak, mend the generator on the boat that no longer gives out power and replace the loo seat that I broke whilst trying to use the loo on that particularly bumpy crossing. Ah, the joys of sailing!

Our water tanks are fit to burst, not literally, as we have an overflow pipe, but there has been so much rain we could luxuriate in long warm showers, if we weren’t so disciplined .The bottom garden is now like a skating rink as the earth turns to slippery clay. It will be a while before we get down there again so any ripening fruit will be viewed from the balconies with the aid of the binos…and Jeff can risk life and limb (Take note Jill) to harvest anything edible.

Obie is now 2 years old. It’s his hormones we think! He is acting like a love sick teenager mooning around after Foxy, getting amorous in quite obvious ways. She of course will have none of it, being “done”, but now and again lets him have a quick sniff. He pays for it later as she lords it over the food and water bowls and he acquiesces to her every whim. He is truly hen pecked.

So, that’s this month’s report from a wet but hot, out-of-season Marigot Bay, standing by to tackle any hurricane that comes our way.

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