Wednesday, September 30

      Hurricane season? What hurricane season?

September has bought us the most wonderful weather, which we have enjoyed to the full. The pool has been the place to be as the days have been Hot, Hot, Hot. There seems to be a climate change in our part of the world. We traditionally have long days of continuous rain starting in June, peaking in September and then falling off as November approaches. Instead we had a very wet dry season and very little rain since then. Our water tanks are low, but this time last year they were over flowing.

The garden is confused and things that should not be flowering are having another burst of colour. Other things that bloom in the wet season have failed altogether.

This is an odd bush. The flowers are white in the morning but by midday they turn pink and then fall off the next day.

The garden is looking different though as the lot next to ours has just been cleared of all it’s trees so the owners can see if it’s worth building on. It looks so bare now and our oasis is not so private. The lady didn’t seem too impressed with the steep garden so maybe they will change their minds and it will all grow over again. The birds are looking a bit miffed as well.
Mum arrived mid September and took full advantage of the weather. She went back looking very healthy and well rested with a suntan to be proud of. We persuaded her to have a go at quad biking, sitting behind the guide. She loved it and it was good to be able to share something we really like doing.

This is the new river swimming hole, complete with rope swing.  Unusually, Rita was not keen to have a go so it was left to Jeff to try it out

We also visited the north on several occasions. We met up with fellow yotties whose boat had been hauled out and checked out their dry land accommodation in one of the resorts. It was lovely relaxing on the sun beds and wallowing in the Jacuzzi and hanging out in air-conditioned rooms. We then all had a Chinese meal, which is a rare treat for us as we don’t often stay up North after dark – it’s a long way home.

Another trip we made was with a friend who showed us all the superior new developments. She used to be an agent for these so we were able to ogle at how the rich folk were going to be spending their holidays. It was great fun rounded off by cocktails in a beautiful location at Calabash Cove.

It is so quiet in the Bay. It is low season but we believe that the recession has had an effect. The hotel has closed, with rumours that it is unlikely to re-open under the same management. No visiting boats. We were the only people in Chateau Mygo last night and that was for a game of Mexican train dominoes, so not a heavy drinking night..One needs to keep ones wits about them on these competition nights!

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